Mini Grids and Rural Electrification in the Global South:
Concepts, Tools and their Contribution to a Resilient Energy Supply.
Mini-grids for rural electrification in the Global South and the potential of such decentralized structures for a sustainable and resilient energy supply are the focus of the event. The seminar provides the participants with theoretical knowledge as well as practical knowledge about the implementation of mini-grids in developing countries. The focus of the seminar is the role of mini-grids for a future and resilient power supply in developing countries. Mini-grids are therefore seen as socio-technical systems. On this basis, in addition to the technical basics, economic, ecological, social, and political aspects of the implementation of such projects and their contribution to rural development are a central focus of the seminar. The diversity of the speakers as well as the didactic, content, and interdisciplinary focus of the seminar create a solid framework for a well-founded expansion of the competencies of the alumni to solve development-related issues in the field of rural electrification. Great value is attached to the professional exchange and networking of the participants, for which numerous activities and formats are planned in the program. A personal connection and the exchange of the participants for an extensive cooperation and networking beyond the end of the seminar is aimed for. The aim is to promote the involvement of the alumni in professional networks in the field of mini-grids in their own country and nationwide.
The seminar consists of two parts: an Online Workshop held by the University of Oldenburg from 20 to 24 September 2021 followed by a virtual visit to the Off-Grid Expo + Conference (OEC) in Augsburg, taking place from 02 to 04 December 2021. The virtual participation in the Off-Grid Expo + Conference offers further professional impulses to consolidate and expand the network. This includes contacts between the participants as well as the initiation of contacts between the participants and companies present at the OEC, representatives from science and development cooperation institutions, which are of great importance for the further development of mini-grids. This is intended to encourage the alumni to become actively involved as multipliers in the field of mini-grids for rural electrification. For further details, please refer to the detailed programme.